In this highly anticipated fourth installment of our popular series, we follow the erotic exploits of a secretive men's spa located in Tokyo's bustling city center. Known for its relaxing atmosphere and skilled masseuses, this establishment caters specifically to hardworking businessmen seeking relief from their daily grind. However, what sets this particular spa apart from others is its strict 'no intercourse' policy – that is, until now! Our undercover cameras capture the sordid truth behind these illicit encounters; desperate housewives breaking all rules by offering clients unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, and even allowing them to experience the ultimate pleasure of watching their partners squirt. These insatiable wives are masters of their craft, using every trick in the book to ensure complete satisfaction for their clients. From non-stop ejaculations to making sure each cock and ball is thoroughly massaged, they leave nothing to chance. Join us as we delve deep into the hidden world of these depraved yet irresistible ladies, revealing every intimate detail of their forbidden fantasies. Note: Content may vary depending on distribution method.