[NIMA-030] Cyclone's Best-Selling MMD Comic Ranked #1 on FANZA! Over 17 Million Downloads! Live-Action Adaptation Featuring Hitomi Shiratori & Rin Mikura

FANZA同人コミック月間ランキング1位17万DL超え!サイクロン原作の超大ヒット作品! 実写版みだれうち 似鳥日菜 美澄玲衣


Released date:2024-08-02 ID:nima00030 ID(DVD):NIMA-030
Studio: Fitch Label: 肉漫 Director: きとるね川口
A popular circle called Cyclone has decided on their first ever live-action collaboration! Tennis club ace "Kitaura Kanae" has been worrying about her subordinate "Asami," who has recently become less active. One day, she receives instructions to check up on Asami at her home. She believes that if she convinces Asami herself, she'll return to the team. However, when she arrives, she finds out that Asami has been acting strangely lately. Her childhood friend "Masaya" tells her that Asami has been quite wild recently. But Kanae thinks that if she talks some sense into her, Asami will come back to the team. However, upon meeting Asami, she discovers that Asami harbors sinister desires. She wants to bring down the successful Kanae by using her own girlfriend as bait. By having her girlfriend seduced and defeated by Kanae, Asami can satisfy her twisted fantasy of seeing the untouchable Kanae fall from grace. Keep in mind that the recording contents may vary depending on the distribution method used.
≪人気サークル「サイクロン」と初の実写化コラボが決定!≫テニス部の絶対エース「北村香織」は、最近休みがちな後輩の「亜美」に頭を悩ませていた。ある日、顧問の指示で亜美の家に様子を伺いに行く事になる。幼馴染の「正也」からは最近、亜美がかなり荒れている事を聞いていたが、部長である自分が説得すれば部へ戻ってきてくれると信じる。しかし、亜美には邪な気持ちが湧いてくる。「上の世界」で活躍する香織を自分と同じ「下の世界」へ落としてやりたい。自分のセフレを使い香織を襲わせ、絶対エースの転落がはじまる!※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『Fitch』はこちら!