[SAME-123] Schoolgirl Torment & Rape Orgy - Worked Up by Yura Kudo

制服少女監禁凌● 鬼畜輪● 工藤ゆら


Released date:2024-08-02 ID:same00123 ID(DVD):SAME-123
Actress(es): 工藤ゆら
Studio: Attackers Label: 死夜悪 Director: 達郎
A young girl named Yura lost her mother at an early age and was raised by her father, who owned a subcontracting company, and her younger brother, a promising up-and-coming boxer. They lived happily but modestly together until one day when Yura's brother got involved in a street fight with some local thugs. In desperation, he lashed out at them, leading to serious consequences. Their father rushed to the scene after receiving word of the incident, only to be confronted by the gang leaders demanding compensation or else they would expose his brother's involvement in the fight publicly. Faced with this ultimatum, their father reluctantly agreed to pay the demanded amount and left to secure the funds while leaving Yura behind as collateral...*The contents may vary depending on the recording method used.
幼い頃に母親を亡くしたゆらは、下請け会社を営む父親と若手プロボクサーの兄と共に裕福では無いものの幸せな毎日を過ごしていた。そんなある日、兄が街の不良達相手に喧嘩騒ぎを起こしたとの連絡が入る。理不尽に絡まれて思わず手を出してしまった兄。急いで不良達のたまり場へと向かった父親とゆらに、「プロボクサーとしての兄の将来を考るのであれば今すぐ示談金を支払え。さもなくば世間に公表する!」と迫る不良達。父親は急いで示談金調達の為にその場を後にするが、人質として残る事になったゆらは…※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『ATTACKERS』はこちら!