A rare beauty with hazel eyes that captivate all who lay them upon her. Her transparent gaze seems to capture even distant landscapes, leaving onlookers breathless. This enchantress possesses an irresistible charm that can transform any atmosphere at will. She shares the same 1,000-year-old eyes as the iconic bridge in Tokyo...
During her student days spent training as a long-distance runner, she experienced her sexual awakening at age 19. Now attending a prestigious private university in Shibuya Ward, this quarter-Japanese college girl was discovered by chance while walking through the streets. Her well-toned ass, still largely unexplored due to her strict upbringing, hints at hidden desires waiting to be fulfilled.
Her mesmerizing stare leaves men unable to look away; they feel their hearts race and bodies tremble under her gaze. Debut featuring exclusive distribution.* Content may vary depending on streaming method.