[MIDV-862] Newbie Aoharu Cutie - Boys Across Japan Fall For Her! Yumi Nijimura

新人アオハル美少女 日本中の男子が彼女に恋する。 虹村ゆみ


Released date:2024-08-02 ID:midv00862 ID(DVD):MIDV-862
Actress(es): 虹村ゆみ
Studio: Moodyz Label: MOODYZ DIVA Director: 豆沢豆太郎
A young woman named Yumi Sakurai, known for her popularity during her school days and being approachable even by otaku boys, has finally made her AV debut! Despite her outgoing and likable persona, she hasn't had many sexual experiences due to her loyalty to someone she liked since elementary school. She was even a finalist in a talent agency audition, showcasing her potential as both an idol and an actress. Now, under exclusive contract with Moodyz, she's ready to take her first steps into the world of adult entertainment. Although she currently works at a crepe shop in Hokkaido (she puts so much effort into it that she gets calluses on her arms), we can't wait to see what this promising newcomer has in store for us. Keep an eye out for Moodzy's latest release featuring Moodyz exclusive, Yumiko Sakurai!
青春一直線!学生時代にクラスにひとりはいた、みんなに人気があって、オタク男子にもやさしかった、付き合ったら絶対楽しかった女の子No.1な正統派美少女がAVデビュー!誰にも壁を作らない、にこにこ明るい性格。そんなモテそうな彼女だけど、実は一途。小・中9年間ずっと片想いで同じ人を好きだったそう(中3のときに告白したら結局フラれちゃったみたい)なので、経験人数もそんなに多くないとか(笑)坂●グループのオーディションに最終まで残ったという、アイドル級のルックスとポテンシャルを持つ彼女がAVに出て人前でSEXを晒す…これからの伸びしろもたっぷりな期待の新人・MOODYZ専属にじむーこと虹村ゆみの最初の一歩。普段は北海道でクレープ屋さんやってます(腕にやけどできちゃうくらい頑張ってますw)※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『ムーディーズ』はこちら!