[FJIN-032] Lost Village Hidden Faces - A Tale of Desire and Sorrow in Secret Village [Hidden Faces Village] A man who failed to become the symbol of the village and a shrine maiden's melancholy kisses filled with passion and yearning...

せいよくぞんび目隠し村 密村【目隠し村】のシンボルになりそこねた男の悲哀とお巫女さまの憂鬱な接吻と情熱と膣状を…編 紗々原ゆり


Released date:2024-08-03 ID:fjin00032 ID(DVD):FJIN-032
In this mysterious female-dominant series, episode 2 follows journalist Fusaya as he investigates the kidnapping of several college students in Tokyo. During his investigation, he meets an elderly man who claims to know about the case. He tells him about a village called 'Megane Mura', where young men are abducted and forced to extract semen over an extended period. As Fusaya listens intently to the old man's story, he discovers that there are unimaginable secret rituals involved. It's a never-ending cycle; give up resistance or face eternal torment. Despite being reduced to nothing more than a tool for their semen, they continue to be assaulted by unexpected techniques and blindfolded situations. What lies ahead for these poor souls...? Note: Content may vary depending on distribution method. For great deals and exclusive offers, check out our digital megastore - AV General Group [Fantasist]! Live Chat available with beautiful wives and mature ladies.
ミステリアス痴女密村シリーズ第2弾!今回は、『都内男子学生連続誘拐事件』の調査をしていた記者の富沢は調査の途中でとある老人と出会った。彼が事件と関係があると断言する「目隠し村」。そこは10代の男が集団で連れ去られ時間をかけエキスを吸い取られる組織だという。富沢は今回の事件のヒントになればと老人の話を詳しく聞いていくと…。そこには日常生活では絶対にありえない秘密の儀式があった。抜かずも地獄抜けばなお地獄。精子をこれほどまでに道具のひとつされてしまうものの、次々に襲う妙技と目が見えないという絶望的な状況に置かれたその先には何があるのか…※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『AV総合グループ【妄想族】デジタルメガストア』はこちら!ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!