[JUQ-837] "Is This Swimsuit a Bit Too Flashy...?" A Very Modest, Voluptuous Mature Woman's Bold Swimsuit Temptation... Her Mother is Changing into a Bikini... Miki Akai

「この水着、ちょっと派手かしら…?」 かな~り地味なムッチリ美熟女の大胆水着誘惑 彼女のお母さんがビキニに着替えてて… 赤井美希


Released date:2024-09-06 ID:juq00837 ID(DVD):JUQ-837
Actress(es): 赤井美希
Studio: Madonna Label: Madonna Director: ビバ☆ゴンゾ
Miki has raised her daughter almost single-handedly as her husband neglects the family. Her only stress relief is posting revealing swimsuit selfies on a secret SNS account to satisfy her need for validation. As she enjoys the attention, she becomes increasingly bold. However, her daughter's boyfriend, Hiroyuki, accidentally discovers these photos. He insists on seeing her in a swimsuit, and despite her hesitation, Miki reluctantly changes and reveals her voluptuous body to him. The content may vary depending on the distribution method. The description also promotes a live chat feature with young wives and mature women, offering deals and information on Madonna's latest products.
夫は家庭を顧みず、ほぼ女手一つで娘を育ててきた美希。そんな彼女のストレス発散は、こっそり作ったSNSアカウントに水着の自撮りを晒し承認欲求を満たすことだけだった。見られる歓びに美希はどんどん大胆になっていくのだが…。それを偶然にも娘の彼氏・浩之に見つかってしまう。「生で水着姿を見たい!」と強く迫る浩之に押し切られた美希は、恐る恐る着替えて彼に水着姿のムッチリした肉体を見せると…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『Madonna』はこちら!