[HUNTC-267] [Super Luxurious! 7 Runaway Girls!] My Room Has Become a Hideout for Runaway Girls with Problems! I Never Mind Doing It With Them, No Matter How Many Times They Come Out, They Never Complain



Released date:2024-10-04 ID:huntc00267 ID(DVD):HUNTC-267
Studio: Hunter Label: HHHグループ Director: まちるだ
My room has somehow become a hangout spot for runaway girls with problems! I woke up to find seven of them living there! I never mind doing it with them, no matter how many times they come out, they never complain. I don't know what happened... they never talk about it, they're almost mute, but they always come back home. During sex, they're super sensitive and react intensely, getting super wet! Having sex while being watched by everyone is also amazing! The cost of utilities and candy is nothing compared to this! Besides, they're all super cute!
ボクの部屋はいつの間にかワケあり家出少女たちの溜まり場になって気がつくと7人もの少女が住み着いていた!Hは決して嫌がらないし何度、中に出しても文句言わない。何があったのか…理由は何も喋らないしほぼ無口だけど必ず我が家に帰ってくる。Hの時は超感度が良くてメチャメチャ感じてくれるしメチャメチャ濡れてる!皆に見られながらのHも最高!光熱費とお菓子代なんて安いもんです!だってみんな超可愛いし!※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『HHHブランドストア』はこちら!