[CAWD-755] The Cute Lolita Smile and Face Don't Match Her Top-Tier Ejaculation Skills - A New Men's Spa Girl Who Loves Big Dicks, Haruhi Hanano

八重歯が可愛い子供っぽい笑顔とロリ顔に似つかわしくない極上射精テクニック 本番OKな匂いがプンプンするチ●ポ大好き新人メンズエステ嬢 花乃はるひ


Released date:2024-11-01 ID:cawd00755 ID(DVD):CAWD-755
Studio: kawaii Label: kawaii Director: TAKE-D
Haruhi Hanano, aiming to become the #1 AV actress in her debut! She's transitioning from a maid to an AV actress. She has a cute, lolita-like appearance like a junior idol, and her sweet voice is so catchy it sticks in your ear. You might think she's a whimsical girl, but she's surprisingly stubborn! Haruhi Hanano has guts! This time, we imagine her working at a healthy men's spa where no pulling is allowed... As a newcomer, she doesn't know what's going on, so she readily accepts whatever the male customers say, even if it seems fishy. "Everyone will secretly cum for you," "If you let me insert just 3cm, I'll make sure to book you next time," "I'll make you number one, so let's have sex." She might suspect she's being taken advantage of, but she doesn't want to disappoint the male customer in front of her, and she also wants to feel good, so she serves him with all her might. Her impressive ejaculation skills, which don't match her youthful appearance, lead to customers getting creampied while negotiating insertion. For the sake of becoming number one, she might just have sex with you...
デビュー作で人気NO,1 AV女優になる!と メイドからAV女優への転身を表明した花乃はるひちゃん ジュニアアイドルみたいなロリっぽい容姿と 甘ったるくて耳から離れないスイートボイス メルヘンチックな女の子なのかと思いきや…すんごい負けず嫌い!! 花乃はるひ、根性あるんです! 今回は彼女が抜きナシの健全メンズエステ店で働いたら… という想定の作品です。 新人で右も左も分からない彼女は 「みんなこっそり抜いてくれるよ」 「先っぽ3cmだけ挿れさせてくれたら次回指名してあげる」 「NO.1にしてあげるからSEXさせてよ」 男性客の都合の良い話を全部鵜呑みにして受け入れちゃうんです。 騙されてるかも?ってちょっと疑ったりもするんだけど 目の前にいる男性客をガッカリさせたくないし、 自分も気持ちよくなりたいから全力でえちえちご奉仕 幼い見た目にそぐわない射精スキルに 挿入交渉しておきながら瞬殺されちゃうお客さん続出 NO.1になるためなら、アナタとSEXしちゃうかも…※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『Kawaii*』はこちら!