[UMD-941] Tricked by a Suspicious Aphrodisiac Slimming Spa - 7 Therapists, I Was Wary But Secretly Doped and Fell into Pleasure!!

しくまれた媚●痩身エステ 7施術師が怪しいので警戒していたが、秘かに盛られた媚●でまんまと快楽堕ち!!


Released date:2024-12-06 ID:125umd00941 ID(DVD):UMD-941
Studio: LEO Label: LEO Director: ドラゴン西川
This is a renowned salon specializing in spot reduction. It boasts high ratings online, particularly for its slimming oil massage, which is said to be highly effective. Today, women with a strong sense of beauty, drawn by these positive reviews, visit the salon. However, there's a masseuse on staff who can't resist making advances towards women he finds attractive. After being treated with a massage oil laced with aphrodisiacs, they unknowingly become more sensitive, eventually giving in to pleasure. By the time they realize what's happening, it's too late... Their sensitivity increases, leading to swollen clits! The aphrodisiacs injected through their mucous membranes spread throughout their bodies, leading them to surrender to their sensual desires.
部分痩せを専門に行っている有名なサロン。ネットの口コミでは評価が高く、痩身効果に定評があるオイルマッサージが評判だ。そんなクチコミを見て今日も美意識が高い女性達が来店。しかし、ここは気に入った女性が来店するとちょっかいを出したくなる施術師が在籍。媚●入りのマッサージオイルを塗布され、無意識に感度が上がってしまい、最終的には身体を許してしまう女性達!!気付いたときにはもう手遅れ…感度が上がってしまいクリ肥大!!身体中の粘膜から注入された媚●が身体中を駆け巡り淫靡の泉に身を委ねるっ!!※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。