[DOCD-038] Are You Sure You Want to Cancel? The Cancellation Process for This Subscription Is a Nightmare! After Escaping the Cancellation Labyrinth, the Last Thing You Expect Is a Female Employee Determined to Stop You From Leaving, No Matter What!

『本当に退会しますか?』 入会は容易いのにやめようと思うと簡単にはやめられないサブスクの退会手続き! 退会迷路を抜け出した先に待ち受けていたのはあの手この手で退会を邪魔してくる女子社員だった!?


Released date:2024-12-06 ID:h_1711docd00038 ID(DVD):DOCD-038
Studio: DOC Label: DOC DREAM Director: ピス勃ち夫
Signing up is a breeze, but trying to cancel your subscription is a whole other story! Unreachable customer service, confusing cancellation forms, persistent retention offers... After finally navigating the labyrinthine cancellation process, you think you're home free, but the last hurdle is a female employee trained to do whatever it takes to keep you subscribed! Is it coincidence or on purpose, but she keeps flashing her panties, pushing her ample cleavage against you in an ultra-tight embrace, and even dares to masturbate in front of you, tempting you to give up on canceling altogether! The battle between the determined customer who wants to quit and the equally determined employee who won't let him reach his goal is reaching its climax! "Are you sure you want to cancel?"
入会する時はあんなに簡単なのにやめようと思うと一筋縄ではいかないサブスクの退会手続き!繋がらない電話、分かりにくい退会フォーム、しつこい引き止めオファーetc…退会迷路を抜け出して遂に退会手続きにこじつけたはいいが、最後に待ち受けていたのは退会を引き止めるためなら手段は選ばないように教育された女子社員だった!?偶然か故意かパンチラ連発、巨乳谷間を寄せて超密着、開き直りのオナニー挑発、退会手続きの手を止める誘惑の応酬にもうギブアップ寸前!絶対に退会したい客vs絶対に退会させない女子社員の果てしない攻防戦の結末やいかに!「本当に退会しますか?」※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。