[TCHR-030] Videos of a Crazy Man: The Ultimate Edition of Firm, Big Breasts

頭がおかしい男の動画 パツやわでかでかパイパイ最&高編


Released date:2025-01-03 ID:tchr00030 ID(DVD):TCHR-030
Series: とある男
In many cultures, a woman's breasts are often portrayed as a symbol of beauty. Particularly due to the influence of advertising and entertainment, they are easily recognized as a symbol of sexual attractiveness. While women with large breasts are often envied for their appearance, they actually face various troubles in reality. Around me, women commonly referred to as "big-breasted girls" often experience chronic neck pain and headaches due to the weight of their breasts. They are also prone to skin irritation because sweat tends to accumulate in the underboob area. Finding a bra that fits properly is difficult, and even if they do, they are often expensive. Moreover, bras with strong support tend to have limited design options, adding to their woes. Their prominent breasts attract unwanted attention from others, leading to insensitive comments and sexual harassment. This can cause them feelings of embarrassment and discomfort. Can't they see their "sexual attractiveness" as an "individuality"? Can't they consider it a natural talent, a gift? While the number of things they might think about may change depending on their age and emotional maturity, from the perspective of someone without breasts, they must find it enviable. However, it's common for them to wear a "complex" armor, trying to conceal their breasts as much as possible. Occasionally, while walking in Shinjuku, I encounter girls with such large breasts that their cleavage is practically screaming for attention. They wear revealing clothing, confidently strutting their stuff. While it's a bit problematic, I find myself admiring them more than feeling aroused. It's as if they're showing off their "individuality." So, what about these two women? Are they the complex type or the individuality type? The first one has firm, melon-shaped breasts that are both large and perky. Her small nipples and areolas add to their artistic appeal. She seems to be in her early twenties and appears to be a straightforward person. I excel at making these type-A personalities uncomfortable. The second one is a beautiful woman with soft, supple breasts. She seems like the type who could earn a decent amount at a hostess bar. She's a modern woman who reacts very clearly to my inappropriate sexual harassment, giving me both good expressions and negative attitudes. Her salty responses are so enticing that they ignite my desire to punish her. She's a rare gem. Watching these arrogant women, who possess such hidden sexual allure, fall into hell is like watching an insect being devoured by a carnivorous plant or an ant falling into an anthill. It's a state of ecstasy that I alone might experience. *This product is exclusively distributed by FANZA.*
多くの文化において、女性の胸は美の象徴として取り上げられることが多い。 特に広告やエンタメなどの影響で「性的魅力」の象徴として認識されやすい。 胸が大きい女性は、見た目には羨ましがられることが多いが、実際にはさまざまな悩みを抱えている。 私の周りでも一般的にデカパイ女子と言われる女は胸の重さによる慢性的な肩こりや頭痛を引き起こしたり、裏乳部分に汗がたまりやすいため肌のかぶれをおこす。自分に合ったサイズのブラジャーが少ないうえ値段が高い。サポート力が強いものほどデザインが限られることなど様々な悩みを抱えている。 胸が目立つことで、他人から注目を浴びやすく、無神経なコメントやセクハラに繋がることがある。これにより、恥ずかしさや不快感を感じることに悩まされる。 「性的魅力」=「個性」と思うことはできないのか。もって生まれた才能、ギフテッドだと思うことはできないのであろうか。本人の年齢や精神年齢の成長ぐあいで思うことの数は変わるであろうが、胸がない子からしたらうらやましい限りだ。しかしコンプレックスという鎧を重ね着し胸をなるべく目立たないよう隠し生活をすることが一般的か。 稀に新宿で歩いていると一目でわかるほどの巨乳ちゃんが見てと言わんばかりの胸元バックり開いた攻撃的な服を着て堂々と歩いていることがある。それはそれで少し問題な気もするが、なぜか私はエロい目で見るというより、気持ちが良すぎてある意味かっこいいなとすら思う。こいつは自分の「個性」を見せつけてくるなと。 今回の二人はどうであろう。コンプレックス派か個性派か。 1人目はパツパツデカメロン型のハリおっぱい。形といい小ぶりな乳首、乳輪。もはや芸術的と言えるレベル。年齢は少しいっている感じもするが物事をはっきり言うタイプのようです。こういう優等生タイプを嫌な顔にするのはおじさんの得意分野だ。 2人目はやわ軟乳の美人女。ギャラ飲みで来たらそこそこいいギャラ取りそうな子。今時の女でおじさんのコンプライアンス無視のセクハラ罵声にとてもわかりやすく、いい表情、嫌な態度を出してくれる。そんな塩対応がそそられ、懲らしめたい欲求を駆り立てられる逸材。 こんな性的魅力を隠し持ったふてぶてしい女たちが、あっという間に地獄に落ちる様は食虫植物に食べられる虫やアリ地獄に落ちる蟻。見ていて恍惚ともいえる、まさに興奮の境地だなと思うのは私だけでしょうか。 ※この商品はFANZA配信限定です。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『【妄想族】デジタルメガストア』はこちら!