[SSIS-889] Newbie #1 Style: Tall & Busty K-Cup Megaton Body - Debut Gravure Idol Minato Hikaru's First Adult Video Release

新人NO.1STYLE 身長175cm 胸囲108cm 日本人離れのKカップ メガトンボディ新人グラビアアイドル みなと羽琉 AV解禁


Released date:2023-09-22 ID:ssis00889 ID(DVD):SSIS-889
Actress(es): みなと羽琉
A unique beauty named 'Minato Hiryu', who started her career in bridal work before becoming a gravure idol and eventually making her AV debut. Standing at an impressive 175 cm tall, she boasts a stunning figure that defies traditional Japanese standards - 108 cm K-cup breasts on a super heavyweight frame! Her body is both voluptuous and well-proportioned, with just the right amount of curves to leave you breathless. This rare gem possesses what could very well be the most powerful and alluring set of breasts ever seen in the industry. Experience the unparalleled thrill of witnessing Japan's ultimate mega toned body (◠‿◠).
ブライダル関係のお仕事からグラビアアイドルとなり、更にAVデビューすることとなった異色の経歴を持つ‘みなと羽琉’さん。175cmの長身に108cmKカップ巨乳と完全に日本人離れしたプロポーションの持ち主でスーパーヘビー級なのにちゃんとメリハリもあるボンキュッボンBODY!おそらく迫力でいうと業界史上一番のおっぱいです。激レアで激シコな日本随一のメガトンボディを見てみてください( ^ω^ )。