[CAWD-585] Naughty Schoolgirl Hikari Himuka's Anal Debauchery!

思春期男子たちの乱れた性欲を正す!学校一無口で真面目な美少女ひみかちゃんの大胆で下品な中出し活動 七緒ひみか


Released date:2023-11-03 ID:cawd00585 ID(DVD):CAWD-585
Actress(es): 七緒ひみか
Studio: kawaii Label: kawaii Director: サバス堀中
In this exclusive distribution title, Featured Actress Himika Nanase struggles with her new role as student council president. She's not good at talking to people and has always been serious about her studies. When her teacher suggests she join the student council because of declining school morals, she feels lost. How can someone like her, who doesn't even know how to communicate properly, fix such a problem? While pondering this dilemma, she sees a classmate skipping class and sleeping during lunchtime. Determined to get him back on track academically, she tries to wake him up but chickens out at the last minute. Instead, she secretly takes away his erotic book collection under the guise of returning them. After all, boys her age seem to be more interested in sexual things than anything else. Maybe if she uses these books to bait them, they'll open up about their concerns honestly. Sighing heavily, she decides that buying some of the suggestive costumes mentioned in the books would be a great icebreaker for everyone involved. As she arrives at the abandoned road where the encounter was supposed to take place, she finds herself caught up in a whirlwind of requests ranging from creampies to handjobs—all part of H-rated demands!