[530GNS-073] Drunken Girl Reduced To Pleasure Slave - Moment Of Transformation

だるま女 快楽に堕とされ女が牝に変わる瞬間


Released date:2023-11-10 ID:530GNS-073 ID(DVD):530GNS-073
Series: だるま女
Studio: グーニーズ Label: Goonies
Have you heard about this rumor? A girl wakes up bound and gagged, turned into a man's sex toy collection overnight. She keeps offering her body despite having no reason other than being there at that moment, just to comfort him. At first she refuses but eventually pleasure replaces pain, and soon enough she finds herself eagerly seeking more. Sweat, tears, saliva, cum, and love juices all mix together in the chaotic confines of the room where these insane acts take place.
こんな噂を聞いたことはないですか?拉●監● 目が覚めると両手両足を不自由にされ男の性玩具コレクションとなっていたという話を。理由は何もない、ただその場に居合わせただけ男の慰めものとして身体を差し出し続ける。拒み続けるものの肉体は正直なもの徐々に苦痛が快楽に変わっていきやがて自ら求める姿がそこにあった。汗・涙・唾液・潮・愛液、カオスと化した密室で行われる狂気の行為の一部始終。