[ABF-043] Lips Melting Blowjob Fuck

唇が溶けるほどのベロキス性交 涼森れむ【MGSだけのおまけ映像付き+10分】


Released date:2023-11-17 ID:ABF-043 ID(DVD):ABF-043
In this steamy encounter, you arrive at the hotel and are immediately lost in a world of passionate kisses with the exclusive Presentage actress Remu Suzumori. Her lips melt against yours as if they were made for each other. As soon as you enter the room, she leads you straight to the bed where her already wet pussy begs for attention. Your fingers glide effortlessly through her juices while she moans in delight. Unable to resist any longer, you dive into a sensual intercourse filled with deep kisses that leave both of you breathless. She takes every inch of your throbbing cock like it was meant to be there, driving you wild with pleasure. You move together in perfect harmony until finally reaching climax—your bodies entwined as one in an explosion of ecstasy! This super-intense belly-to-belly kissing fuck session featuring the stunning Remu Suzumori is not to be missed!
プレステージ専属女優『涼森れむ』と唇が溶けるほどのベロキス!ホテルに到着すると部屋の中に入ることを忘れるほど、熱いキスを交わす!ベッドに移るとすでにじっとり濡れたマ●コに手マンをされ、糸が引くほどの愛液が分泌!ギンギンのチ●ポをしゃぶっていると我慢ができなくなりSEXに突入!チ●ポをゆっくり挿れられ、たっぷりキスを交わしながらピストンをされると幸福感と快楽で満たされていき、最後は舌を絡め、互いを求めあいながら絶頂!『涼森れむ』が本能のままに唇を貪り合う超濃厚なベロキス性交をお楽しみ下さい!【期間限定!~2023/12/17 09:59までに、この商品をご購入された方に通常の還元ポイントに加え、さらに期間固定ポイント300pt(300円分)プレゼント!※ポイント付与予定日:購入日の翌日12時頃/ポイント有効期限:14日間/注意事項:PCMAX経由のお客様は対象外です】