[SDAM-079] Found at Yamato Lake during a training camp, college student athletes from a women's university. Want to try the men's bath with just one towel? 57 years old, burning muscles, tight body that concentrates on her physical abilities and shame overcome by desperation, sucking his cock while riding! Hand sweat, semen, and perspiration are held together in a fistful of excitement. This is the climax of their big match - 7 consecutive shots edition.

山中湖で見つけた合宿中の運動部女子大生さん タオル一枚男湯入ってみませんか?57 火照る引き締まりハツラツうぶボディに宿った集中力とフィジカルで恥ずかしさを乗り越え必死にち○ぽを咥えて輪っかをかける!手に汗とペニスとガマン汁を握る大一番7連発編


Released date:2023-11-14 ID:1sdam00079 ID(DVD):SDAM-079
Studio: SOD Create Label: SOD素人 Director: 西城アキラ
A group of college girls from the athletic club met at a lodging facility near Yamanaka Lake and decided to take on their first mixed-gender bath experience along with an erotic mission challenge! Despite being surrounded by unfamiliar guys, these healthy-bodied ladies, who are devoted to their daily activities, muster up the courage to participate in a game of penis tag while blushing profusely. As they navigate through this summer camp filled with both physical training and important social lessons, one can't help but wonder if they'll not only improve their sports skills but also gain valuable insights into society.