[ROE-190] Family Home Days - Intimate Relations With Mother by Seo Reiko

家族皆が巣立った実家で、母と過ごす近親相姦の日々ー。 瀬尾礼子


Released date:2023-12-08 ID:roe00190 ID(DVD):ROE-190
Actress(es): 瀬尾礼子
Studio: Madonna Label: MONROE Director: 加州夏
Born as the second son of three brothers, Kenta was always seen by his mother Riko as quiet and shy. However... one spring when his older brother moved out for work and his younger brother went off to boarding school, their father left for an overseas assignment leaving just Riko and Kenta living together under the same roof. As the once bustling household grew quieter, Riko began feeling lost and empty. Seeing her distress, Kenta couldn't help but feel regretful that he had never fully appreciated his siblings or realized how much love his mother had given them all. Determined to make up for it now, he decided to shower her with affection and attention - hoping to fill the void in both their lives.