[FSDSS-703] Nene Yoshitaka's Awakened Pussy

女であることを放棄したガサツな実家暮らしアラサー干物女のマ〇コが覚醒した日 吉高寧々


Released date:2024-01-11 ID:1fsdss00703 ID(DVD):FSDSS-703
Studio: FALENO Label: FALENO star Director: 太宰珍歩
Nene Yoshitaka, at just 19 years old, made her debut with a one-shot manga in the shoujo genre. After drawing several one-shots, she joined the ranks of serialized creators under the pseudonym "Karegozu" or "Bull Head." Originally a pure and innocent woman, she fell into darkness during Calegos' popularity decline, eventually becoming a hikikomori (social recluse) for seven years after the series was canceled. However, due to passionate requests from fans and editors alike, she begins working on new material once again. As she inhales the scent of men, long-dormant desires erupt within her, leading to vivid fantasies about fulfilling those urges... "It's your smell that has me all worked up," she confesses, finally breaking free from her self-imposed isolation.
19 歳で少女漫画の読み切りでデビューした寧々。何度か読み切りを描いた後に「彼は牛頭」通称カレゴズで連載作家の仲間入りを果たす。元々は純真な女性だったが、カレゴズの人気低迷した際にエゴサで闇堕ち、遂には連載が打ち切りになった後は 7 年間ヒキニートになっていた。過去作品のファンであった編集者の熱い要望で新たに漫画を書き始めるのだが、久しぶりに嗅いだ男の匂いに溜まった欲望が爆発!むっつり妄想で生きていた7年間が遂に…「お前の匂いで、ムラムラしてきた」