[SONE-039] A Day of Six Cumshots with 'Honmachi Ai': Her Perfect Cubicle Body and Ultimate Erotic Technique Wake You Up from Sex Addiction

M男くん宅に‘本郷愛’が緊急初突撃! 最高のクビレBODYと極上エロエロテクニックでSEX中毒に覚醒しちゃう1日6発大射精ドキュメント


Released date:2024-01-19 ID:sone00039 ID(DVD):SONE-039
Actress(es): 本郷愛
Studio: S1 No.1 Sytle Label: S1 NO.1 STYLE Director: 真咲南朋
In her third year since debut, Hongo Ai makes her first assault on an amateur man's home! An incredible documentary capturing a day full of dreams for M-type men! She teases him endlessly with her sweet yet intense seduction, making him beg, crave, and sweat... Even after countless orgasms, he can't seem to stop getting hard. They touch each other everywhere while taking showers together, cooking food together, and even sleeping next to each other in the morning! Her naughty voice gets him hooked on her unique techniques that drive him wild! He falls for her cuteness as she moans and begs for more until they both cum their hearts out. This unscripted record of one passionate day filled with love and lust is something you won't find anywhere else.
デビューから3年…本郷愛が素人宅に初突撃!!超ラッキーなM男クンの夢の一日密着ゲリラ撮ドキュメント!「まだイッちゃダ~メッ!」 ひたすら甘く激しい誘惑で痴女られ、求められ、焦らされ、何度射精しても止まらない勃起…イチャイチャしてシャワー浴びて料理作って、寝る時と朝起きてもず~っと本郷愛が隣にいる! 「しゅごいいっぱい出たねぇ…」エグいテクニックにハマる!沼る!堕ちる!こんな甘え声のあざと可愛い本郷愛、見たことない!!一生分の精子を出し尽くすまで愛情たっぷりでハメる筋書きのない一日の記録。