[SONE-059] Beautiful Boss & Drunk Senior - Seduction by Drunken Coworker Featuring Tsukasa Aoi

容姿端麗の女上司とまさかの相部屋 AM0:00 酔った先輩は童貞の僕でも押せばヤレそうです 葵つかさ


Released date:2024-02-09 ID:sone00059 ID(DVD):SONE-059
Studio: S1 No.1 Sytle Label: S1 NO.1 STYLE Director: イナバール
She has never had sexual experience. Her job is mediocre at best. Always lacking confidence and timid. This pathetic guy gets sent out on a business trip with his crush, Tsukasa Aoi, who is both stunningly beautiful and incredibly skilled at her work. Everything goes smoothly until they accidentally book one hotel room with just one bed! Despite this mishap, Tsukasa passes out drunk after having some alcohol. Is this really my chance to lose my virginity?
女性経験なし。仕事も中途半端。いつも自信がなく弱気。あまりに冴えない僕は、容姿端麗で仕事も抜群にできる憧れの葵先輩と営業出張へ行くことに。商談も無事終わったかと思ったら、またやらかしてしまった!僕のミスでホテルの予約が一部屋、しかもベッドもひとつ…。けど先輩は気にも留めずお酒で酔いつぶれて無防備に眠っている。これってまさか、奇跡的に訪れた最高の好機…?AM0:00 童貞の僕でも押せばヤれそうです。