[DASS-343] Brainwash Button Turns Big Tit Dad Active Bitches Into Real Slaves - Matching App With Godlike Powers Featuring Waka Misono

洗脳LIKEボタンで巨乳パパ活ビッチをガチ恋服従させられる神マッチングアプリ 美園和花


Released date:2024-02-23 ID:dass00343 ID(DVD):DASS-343
Studio: DAS! Label: ダスッ! Director: コンニャック神野
My brother got himself a hot girlfriend through a matching app, and he was acting all high and mighty like he owned the world. It pissed me off so much that I decided to install the same app just to spite him. But try as I might, sending likes didn't lead to any matches. I was about to give up when finally... a match! And not just any match - she was actually one of my top picks based on her looks. Excited, I sent her a message telling her how cute she was. Imagine my surprise when she came back with a harsh reply saying something along the lines of 'you should know your place'. Turns out this whole thing was just a cruel prank by some troll who matched us just to mess around. As I was fuming over this, I noticed there was an odd button on the screen. Curiosity got the better of me, so I clicked on it. To my horror, it revealed that if I paid money, I could send a special kind of like called 'mind control like'. Enraged beyond belief, I impulsively made a purchase and sent her a mind control like. What happened next completely blew my mind...
同居している兄貴にマッチングアプリで美人な彼女ができたという。勝ち誇ったように見下してくる兄に腹が立ったのもあってアプリをインストールしてみる。しかしいくらLIKEを送ってもマッチングせず消沈していたところ、ついにマッチ! しかもLIKEした中でも特に可愛いと思っていた相手で、胸を高鳴らせてメッセージを送ってみる。しかし帰ってきたのは「身の程を知れ」という辛辣な返事。どうやら煽るためだけにマッチしてきたらしい。怒りに震えていると、画面に変なボタンがあることに気づく。タップしてみると表示されたのは、課金することで「洗脳LIKE」を送ることができるという画面。あまりに腹が立っていたので衝動的に課金して洗脳LIKEを送ってみる。すると突然女からの返信が一変して……!?