[SQIS-090] Brutal! Nightmare Crime Scene - 9 Victims

凄惨!悪夢の犯行現場 被害者全9名


Released date:2024-03-09 ID:sqis00090 ID(DVD):SQIS-090
Studio: FA Pro Label: FAプロ Director: オグロック金蔵
A horde of demons descends upon innocent women... This must be their crime scene! Included are eight stories of heinous crimes against women such as gang rapes in remote areas, home invasions during the daytime, kidnappings, attacks on single women, etc. These depraved men... Their lustful arrows point towards the pitiful yet beautiful women! Not even desolate mountain regions escape their clutches; they hunt prey both in quiet residential neighborhoods at night and bustling city streets alike.
女たちに襲いかかるケダモノども…。これがヤツらの犯行現場だ! 山間部で起きた婦女暴行事件、日中の住宅地で起きた家宅侵入事件、自宅監禁事件、独身女性襲撃事件など、女性をターゲットとした悪質な性犯罪ストーリーを全部で8話収録。性欲に狂った男たち…、その劣情の矛先は哀れ、美しき女たちへと向かう!人気の無い山間はもちろん、夜の住宅街や街中でも、ヤツらはキバを研いで獲物を狙っているのだ…。