[FSDSS-757] Nene Yoshitaka - Sibling Complex: Kiss Practice

潔癖症の姉から「うちとキスの練習させてくれへん?」婚前の 1 週間、糸が引くほどキスし続けた僕たち。フェラも SEX もゴム装着のみで、人生で一度もキスをしたことがない女 吉高寧々


Released date:2024-03-15 ID:1fsdss757 ID(DVD):FSDSS-757
Studio: FALENO Label: FALENO star Director: 太宰珍歩
My sister Nene, who is about to get married soon, has always been very particular about cleanliness. She was so worried that she wouldn't be able to kiss her fiance, Izumi, during their wedding ceremony because of her fastidiousness. She asked my brother Yusuke to help her practice kissing beforehand. As they practiced together, Nene wondered if she would be able to successfully kiss Izumi on their wedding day and if her relationship with Yusuke... Their tongues entwined, saliva mixing, and before they knew it, their make-out session had become more than just a practice. They were lost in the heat of passionate, taboo incestuous sex.