[JUQ-549] Kana Mitokun's Intimate Nursing With Cum Injections

僕のわがままを全て受け入れてくれる、人妻ヘルパーかなさんの密着中出し看護 水戸かな


Released date:2024-03-22 ID:juq00549 ID(DVD):JUQ-549
Studio: Madonna Label: Madonna Director: 木村浩之
A promising baseball player named Kazuki was forced to give up his future in the sport due to a severe injury during a game. Struggling with depression afterward, his mother called in a helper named Kanako to assist him in returning to normal life... As they spent more time together, Kazuki found himself increasingly drawn to her kind smile and gentle nature. His frustration would often lead to uncontrollable erections that were soothed by Kanako's comforting touch, slowly healing his troubled heart. *Note: Content may vary depending on the distribution method.
名門野球部で将来を嘱望されていた学だったが、試合中に大怪我を負ってその道が絶たれてしまう。その後、自暴自棄な日々を送っていた彼を見かねた母が、日常に戻れるようにと、ヘルパー・かなを呼び…。優しい笑顔で何一つ嫌がることない彼女に、学は段々と心惹かれていく。そして鬱屈した彼の勃起チ〇ポも包み込むように幾度も射精に導かれる度、その荒んだ心は徐々に癒されて―。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『Madonna』はこちら!