[ROE-209] Monroe Special Edition - Celebrating Madonna's 20th Anniversary! Swapping & Swaying: A Feast for Mature Women

Madonna20周年記念MONROE特別作品!! 夫婦交換スワッピング ~美熟女たちの饗宴~


Released date:2024-03-22 ID:roe00209 ID(DVD):ROE-209
Studio: Madonna Label: MONROE Director: 朝霧浄
Welcome to our Swapping Party hosted by Tada! As we gather at the venue, there's palpable tension among the five couples present. Each couple harbors their own worries and desires. Hostess Tada Eriko Hiraoka brings her husband along while secretly yearning for another man. Housewife Isshiki Momoko pretends to be with her son when she really wants to escape her loveless marriage. Friendly but frustrated wife Tomoda Maki struggles to hold onto her young lover. Rice-cooker housewife Hirano Makoto feels unfulfilled due to her husband's sexual inability. And lastly, cheating-prone wife Mizuno Yuka grapples with conflicting emotions about her husband's infidelity. As the swapping party unfolds, various motivations collide...
「夫婦交換スワッピングパーティにようこそ、主宰の多田です。」会場に集った5組の夫婦に張り詰める空気感…それぞれのカップルが悩みを欲望を抱えていた。性的不能の夫が用意したパーティに参加する妻・多田有花。夫と偽り、息子を連れ添う人妻・一色桃子。若い恋人を繋ぎ留めたい人妻・友田真希。真面目ゆえ夫とはセックスレス・平岡里枝子。浮気癖のある夫を持つ・水野優香。様々な思惑が交錯する中、スワッピングパーティが幕を開けて…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『Madonna』はこちら!