[HUNTC-036] Three Childhood Friends Fight Over My Virginity!



Released date:2024-03-22 ID:huntc00036 ID(DVD):HUNTC-036
Studio: Hunter Label: HHHグループ Director: ボルボ中野
My cute childhood friend has three of them! One day they came to take my virginity away! But unfortunately, they can't all insert at once. It doesn't matter who does it... They decide to play rock-paper-scissors to determine the order! As they start inserting their cocks without hesitation, I'm left confused but unable to resist the intense pleasure that follows! There's absolutely no break between their relentless pounding, creating a never-ending orgy! My cherry is taken so roughly that there's no time to catch my breath! Keep in mind that recording methods may vary depending on the distribution method.
ボクには超かわいい幼馴染が3人いる。ある日その3人が、ボクの初めての女になる!と童貞を奪いにきた!でも3人同時に挿入はできない。正直誰でもいいのですが…。すると幼馴染3人はじゃんけんで順番を決めることに!戸惑うボクを尻目にグイッとチ○ポを挿入!もうそこからは入り乱れての乱交状態でボクはされるがまま!萎える暇なんて一切無しのマシンガンセックス!童貞喪失の余韻に浸る余裕なんてありません!※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『HHHブランドストア』はこちら!