[SONE-116] Yura Kano - A Night of Nonstop Fucking for the Hikikomori NEET Boyfriend

引きこもりニート彼女のマ〇コを好き放題使ったら、一晩中犯●れることになったボク 架乃ゆら


Released date:2024-03-22 ID:sone00116 ID(DVD):SONE-116
Studio: S1 No.1 Sytle Label: S1 NO.1 STYLE Director: イナバール
My girlfriend has been playing games all day long lately and doesn't even look at me anymore. Whenever I try to signal that I want SEX, she doesn't seem to notice. She doesn't react to anything I say or do, so I decide to take matters into my own hands by saying 'Use my dick!' During her gaming sessions, she won't mind if I touch her boobs or suddenly stick my dick inside her! After all, she can't resist! It felt great when she finally let me use her pussy but then things took a turn... At an online meeting, someone started teasing my dick until they got me hard, and afterward, they tied me up and kept fucking me against my will while I was sleeping. In the morning, they dragged me out of bed and forced me to cum right before work, leading to more humiliation during anal sex! Oh god, I'm getting fucked senseless! Yura Kano's relentless cunnilingus attack! "Just remember, this is because you have such an amazing body," she says with a devilish grin. *Note: Content may vary depending on distribution method.
ニートの彼女は1日中ゲームばかりしていて最近俺のことを見てくれない。SEXしたいサインを出しても気づかない様子。何を聞いても、何をしても動じなそうなので、ではいっそのこと『ま○こを使わせていただく!』ゲーム中は乳モミも、ムラっと来たら即ズボも問題なし!だって抵抗できないもんね!ま○こを借りて大満足な俺だったが【この後一気に立場逆転!!】オンライン会議中にチンポをイジメ抜かれ、そのあとも拘束され強●射精させられ、夜に寝ているあいだもベッドに縛り付けらっれ、朝会社にイク瞬間に引きずり込まれて逆レ●プ!!あぁ!!犯●れまくる!激おこカノジョの痴女猛攻撃!!「オーバーキルにしてあげるから覚悟しといてね」※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『エスワン ナンバーワンスタイル』はこちら!