[SONE-117] Mei Washio Invites You In For A Night Of Seduction

「えっ、終電なくなっちゃった!? ウチ泊めてあげよっか?」バイト先の美人店長の誘いに乗ったらすっぴんと無防備な部屋着に僕は理性が吹っ飛び… 鷲尾めい


Released date:2024-03-22 ID:sone00117 ID(DVD):SONE-117
Studio: S1 No.1 Sytle Label: S1 NO.1 STYLE Director: 五右衛門
As the last train was about to leave, my boss at work suggested that I stay over at his place since he knew I had nowhere else to go. He's always been kind and helpful whenever I needed him. But there's just one problem... I have a girlfriend. This feels so wrong! However, my boss has such an attractive face, big tits, and caring personality. Plus, he looks incredibly cute without any clothes on. When we got to his room, he accidentally forgot to wear a bra, revealing his nipples. My mind went blank, and before I knew it, I found myself squeezing his boobs. "Can we keep this between us?" Of course, I promised not to tell anyone! After that, I spent the whole night ravaging him. *Note: Content may vary depending on the distribution method.
「終電なくなっちゃったの…?私の家…泊まりに来る?」バイト先の店長は、いつも優しい。僕が困っていると、いつも助けてくれる。終電逃した僕は、店長の家に泊めてもらう事に。でも…。僕には付き合っている彼女がいる。最低ですよね。すみません。店長は、顔も可愛くおっぱいも大きく世話焼きな性格で…全てが良い。しかも、すっぴんがマジで可愛い。部屋着姿の店長はまさかのノーブラで…乳首が見えそう。ヤバい。僕は理性がぶっ飛び…店長のおっぱいを揉んでしまった。「皆に……内緒にできる?」内緒にしますっ!!!!!その後、僕は一晩中求めて…ハメ狂った。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『エスワン ナンバーワンスタイル』はこちら!