[NASK-040] Bound Widows: Four Beautiful, Sorrowful Housewives Submit to Rope Training - 4 Hours

縛られた未亡人 縄調教に堕ちた美しくも哀しき人妻たち 4人4時間


Released date:2024-03-23 ID:nask00040 ID(DVD):NASK-040
Studio: Nadeshiko Label: Nadeshiko
A grieving widow named Yui finds solace in the arms of her husband's friend, an older man who helps her financially. As they grow closer, he introduces her to the village's secret tradition - bondage play. Initially resistant due to her late husband's memory, she eventually succumbs to his persuasion and submits herself to him. Meanwhile, another woman named Shiori struggles under the pressure of her debts until she meets a kind-hearted elderly gentleman who offers her employment as a housekeeper. He takes care of her daily life while also harboring dark desires for her. In episode one, Sayaka's father-in-law approaches her after her husband's funeral, promising financial support if she agrees to participate in their village's erotic ritual involving rope bondage. Despite being hesitant at first, she ultimately gives in to his advances. Lastly, there's Naoko Akase, a married woman living away from home who becomes entangled in an affair with her boss's son. Their passionate encounters are captured on hidden cameras, leading to blackmail and further complications in their lives.
麻縄と蝋燭の快楽で、望まない絶頂に堕ちた淫猥な身体【一話】夫に先立たれ悲しむ妻の希。葬儀が粛々と行われた後、大家や質屋の男たちは厳しい現実を口走る。困り果てる希のもとに、会長が近付いてきて…【二話】ある夜、義父が寝たのを見計らって仕事部屋に入ってしまった尚子…【三話】東京から地方に嫁いだゆう。義父は、この村に昔から伝わる風習が頭をよぎっていた。今までは邪な想いを抑えていた義父だったが…【四話】厳しい取立てに困っていた時、助けてくれたのは夫の友人の初老の男だった。彼は詩織を家政婦として雇い、生活まで面倒見てくれた。しかし…※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『【厳選】KMPストア 2号店』はこちら!