[SPLY-017] Bland but Serious OL Sodomized by Her Soap Lady Alter Ego! My Cum Endlessly Fired at Me on a Silky Mat - Airi Misaki

地味で真面目なOL真緒さん、実は出勤激レアソープ嬢!肉感ローションマットで無限に発射させられる僕 藤北真緒


Released date:2024-03-26 ID:1sply00017 ID(DVD):SPLY-017
Actress(es): 藤北真緒
Studio: SOD Create Label: あらびき娘 Director: FLAGMAN
Average-looking glasses girl Fujinami Moe is a virgin-like office lady whose curvy body has men at work whispering about her lack of experience. But what they didn't know was that she was actually a rare popular soapland girl with irregular attendance records! Her voluptuous measurements of 98 cm bust and hips are said to feel like soft silk, making every touch irresistibly arousing... Note that the contents may vary depending on the recording method used.
地味メガネ事務員の真緒さんはポッチャリ体型で職場の男たちに「処女じゃないか?」と噂されるくらいの陰キャ女子。でも実は出勤日数が不定期の激レア人気ソープ嬢だった!バスト&ヒップ98cmのムチムチBODYは柔らかい絹のような肌触感で全身のどこで擦っても即射精してしまうらしい…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『SODクリエイトのブランドストア』はこちら!