[VENX-259] Sudden Visit from My Sister-in-Law - Nonstop Sex for Two Days

突然押しかけてきた嫁の姉さんに抜かれっぱなしの1泊2日 織本せりの


Released date:2024-03-29 ID:venx00259 ID(DVD):VENX-259
Actress(es): 織本せりの
After a heated argument between husband and wife, she leaves him feeling helpless. Seeing his distress, her sister, Serino, steps in to mediate. Known for being beautiful and caring, Serino offers her support without hesitation. Grateful for having such a trustworthy ally by his side, Yuushi lets down his guard. Little does he know that Serino has been eyeing this opportunity to take advantage of him... As they share a bath together, Serino slowly but surely seduces Yuushi until he can't resist anymore. Keep in mind that recording methods may vary depending on the distribution method.
壮絶な夫婦喧嘩の末、嫁に出ていかれてしまった優生は途方に暮れていた。そんな優生を見かねて嫁の姉・芹乃が仲裁役を買って出てくれることに。美人で面倒見のいい芹乃が協力してくれるなら心強い。信頼できる味方ができたと喜ぶ優生を後目に、芹乃は虎視眈々と優生の気が緩むのを狙っていた。やがてすっかりほだされた様子の優生に風呂を勧めると同時に芹乃も服を脱いでいき…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『VENUS&熟女JAPAN』はこちら!