[DVEH-027] Perfect Mix: 20% Masked Men, 80% Beautiful Girls - A Relationship That Works! Featuring Yuria Yoshine

メスカツ アイジョウ20%アイショウ80% 都合のいい関係 吉根ゆりあ


Released date:2024-03-29 ID:dveh00027 ID(DVD):DVEH-027
Series: メスカツ
In this steamy encounter, two strangers come together seeking nothing but physical pleasure without any emotional attachment or strings attached. Despite not knowing each other's names or backgrounds, they are drawn to one another by their irresistible bodies. The woman has been trained since birth to use her exquisite figure as a sexual tool, while the man knows every trick in the book when it comes to pleasuring another woman's entire body. Their passionate union is both stimulating and arousing, leaving them both satisfied yet wanting more. Note that the recording contents may vary depending on the distribution method used.
メスカツ【雌活】[名]1.パパ活のような見返りを求めず、カラダだけの関係を求める活動。2.愛人のような愛情はさほど無く、且つセフレでは体験できないポテンシャルを持つもの同士によるひととき-名前も素性も知らない、でもカラダのアイショウだけは忘れられない2人。性具として生まれ育った芳醇なカラダを持つオンナとオンナの全身を性器にする術を知り尽くしたオトコによる刺激的な交合。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『DEEP’S(ディープス)ストア』はこちら!