[ADN-547] My Boss, Summer Matsumoto, Who Said She Didn't Need Men After Her Divorce (With Kids), Is Now Addicted to My Sexless Body and Becomes My Convenient Secret Lover Until She Can't Live Without It - Summer Ayuhara

数年前に夫と離婚(子有り)して、男なんてもう要らないと言っていた女上司の夏目さんが僕のセックス無しでは生きられないカラダになって、都合の良いセフレになるまでの話。 夏目彩春


Released date:2024-03-29 ID:adn00547 ID(DVD):ADN-547
After her divorce several years ago, she now lives separately from her children during the week while caring for them on weekends. It's tough but necessary since she doesn't receive any child support from her ex-husband. She thought all she needed were her kids and work, but then she rediscovered the joy of being desired as a woman when someone finally held her close again. Though she longs for him to see her as a desirable woman, she can't bring herself to say those words out loud. *Note that recording contents may vary depending on distribution method.
数年前に夫と離婚。平日は子供を実家に預けて、週末だけ子供と暮らす生活をしている。大変だけど、元夫から養育費も貰えず、私が頑張って稼ぐしかなかった。私には「子供」と「仕事」だけがあればいい、そう思っていた。だけど違った。久々に抱かれて…女として求められる悦びを思い出した。都合のいい関係でいいから、女として私を求めて欲しい。でも、そんなこと…言えない。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『ATTACKERS』はこちら!