[KTB-082] Sister Harem! ~Helping My Brother Who Is a Shut-in Release His Sexual Frustrations by Being 'Loving Sister' and Forcing Him to Help Her Satisfy Her Own Desires as 'Selfish Sister', Which One Do You Prefer?~



Released date:2024-03-30 ID:ktb00082 ID(DVD):KTB-082
A man named Saturo has been lending his penis out to two sisters, one being selfish and the other caring. He uses their bodies as stress relief from work and personal needs. However, he keeps their secret sexual relationship hidden from the caring sister because she always puts him first. One day, they all end up having a threesome despite not wanting anyone else involved. Both sisters compete over whose pussy feels better while Saturo enjoys the pleasure. In the heat of the moment, even the usually reserved sister becomes more assertive about her desires. They continue to take turns riding his cock until they both cum multiple times. Despite this forbidden act, there's something irresistible about these three individuals coming together in such an intimate way.
「さとるーチンポ貸して!今日もヤナ事あったからストレス発散!」‘身勝手なお姉ちゃん’はボクのチンポを玩具代わりに使ってくる!時には会社でムシャクシャした時の八つ当たりの為、時には自分の性欲処理の為、そして寂しい夜を紛らわす為。 でも‘優しいお姉ちゃん’はボクのチンポを愛おしく包み込む様に咥えてくれる…でも‘身勝手なお姉ちゃん’とのSEXは‘優しいお姉ちゃん’には秘密だ!ボクの事を一番に考えてくれる‘優しいお姉ちゃん’に‘身勝手なお姉ちゃん’とのSEXを知られたらきっと悲しませてしまう…。 そんな二人の姉と上手く付きあって来たはずだったのにあの日ついに禁断の3Pを! 「どっちのお姉ちゃんが良いの!?」ボクのチンポを巡って姉妹穴によるSEXバトルが勃発!「ねえ、私の方が気持ち良いでしょ?」「ダメ!そっちでイっちゃダメ!私のオマ○コでイってぇー!」と姉マ○コを並べてヤリ放題ヤラレ放題!今まで自分を抑えてきた‘優しいお姉ちゃん’も自分の性欲最優先で弟チ○ポでイキまくる。 …そんな絶倫弟の姉妹丼を綴った射精日記!wwご覧下さい♪※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『AV総合グループ【妄想族】デジタルメガストア』はこちら!