[SORA-522] Infidelity Chase! Cheating on the Way Home? Suck It Already! Let Me Punish Her Instead of Society - J-Style Sleepy Aphrodisiac Captivity

不倫追跡 通学路で不倫か!?舐めんなよ!ゲス教師と不埒メスガキを世間様に代わって俺が制裁!J系ねむらせ媚薬監禁


Released date:2024-03-30 ID:sora00522 ID(DVD):SORA-522
A man desires to dominate and control a woman through drugs, leading her down a path of sexual submission and pleasure beyond her wildest dreams. He uses a combination of sleeping pills and aphrodisiacs to manipulate her body at his leisure, taking advantage of her vulnerable state. In one scene, he captures a J-list celebrity on the rooftop and forces her into an intense drug-induced intercourse. Another story involves a cheating teacher who becomes obsessed with their shared drug-fueled encounters, eventually abandoning their family for these passionate experiences. Finally, two individuals become codependent on their drug-love sex, resulting in a series of successful conquests. Note that recording contents may vary depending on distribution method.
即キメセク依存のチート級媚投与で脳内お花畑のサル共を成敗いたすw媚薬でぶっ壊れイキ汚チ●ポ漬け薬恋デメスガキ略奪!! #01 眠剤×媚薬で好き勝手身体を弄られ… #02 逃げるJ系を捕まえ屋上で媚薬青姦! #03 不倫教師を捨て媚薬監禁SEXに溺れる #04 共依存の薬恋SEXで略・奪・成・功!!※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『AV総合グループ【妄想族】デジタルメガストア』はこちら!