[REBD-830] Sultry Summer with Rion

Rion Erotic summer・柊木里音


Released date:2024-04-04 ID:h_346rebd00830 ID(DVD):REBD-830
Actress(es): 柊木里音
Studio: REbecca Label: REbecca Director: あおのゆうこ
In this erotic summer release, Rion Imoto takes center stage! This vivacious H-cup beauty boasts a voluptuous figure and a radiant smile that lights up any room she enters. Known for her popularity on a certain short movie submission site, Rion enjoys watching foreign films and dramas, playing mahjong, and recently has developed a taste for wine. Her curiosity knows no bounds, making her an active lady about town. To showcase her full potential, the production team sets their sights on a tropical island location. While this is her first nude shoot, Rion's experience as a gravure model shines through, leaving the crew speechless. Interviews and behind-the-scenes footage reveal her bubbly personality, which also leads to a cameo appearance by fellow agency member Nana Nakamura. With her infectious laughter, perky breasts, and endless charm, Rion Imoto is sure to make this the hottest summer ever!
本作の主演は柊木里音ちゃん!!陽気な性格に明るい笑顔が好感度大、ハリのある肢体を誇るHカップのグラマラス美女だ!!某ショートムービー投稿系SNSで大人気、趣味は洋画や洋ドラマ観賞に麻雀で最近はワインも嗜む好奇心旺盛なアクティブレディー。令和で一番エロいと噂される里音ちゃんのポテンシャルを活かすべく、南の島でのロケ撮影をセッティングする撮影陣。ヌードイメージとしては今回が1本目だがそこはグラドル経験もある里音ちゃん、撮られ方の上手さは流石とスタッフも舌を巻く。インタビューやオフショットも快活な姿を惜しみなくさらけ出してくれる、同事務所の前乃菜々ちゃんもちょっぴり友情出演しているぞ。笑顔キラキラお胸プルプル、世界で一番エロい夏がここにある!! 【※この作品はイメージビデオです】※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。