[REBD-831] Okinawa Adventures! ? Featuring Shiho Sato

Shio Okinawa happenings!!・佐藤しお


Released date:2024-04-04 ID:h_346rebd00831 ID(DVD):REBD-831
Actress(es): 佐藤しお
Studio: REbecca Label: REbecca Director: ヘルペス☆タカ
In this captivating video, Shiho Satou takes center stage! Her mesmerizing eyes, alluring voice, and perfect voluptuous breasts make her a true beauty to behold. Known for her love of fans, she openly declares herself Japan's number one fan favorite actress. Stepping out of her comfort zone, she bravely attempts nudity for the first time while exploring unique locations like stone walls, traditional houses, and fields swaying in the wind - experiences that can only be found in Okinawa. Despite being new to these situations, she approaches them with excitement and nervous anticipation. However, her bright personality shines through as she enjoys every moment of filming. When asked about her favorite costume, she enthusiastically shares, "The purple baby doll looks cute and sexy at the same time!" This delightful video showcases the charming and playful side of Shiho Satou as she navigates various happenings in stunning Okinawa. Prepare to be entertained by her innocent yet seductive charm throughout this unforgettable experience!
本作の主演は佐藤しおちゃん!!ぱっちり大きな瞳に愛らしい声、形の良い美巨乳の全てを持ち合わせた美少女だ!!シュガーソルトでさとうしお、日本で一番ファンの事が大好きな女優だと公言するハートフルな性格である。初めて沖縄に来て初めてのヌードイメージに挑戦、石垣や古民家やススキが風にそよぐ野原など東京では見られないロケーションに興味津々。見るもの触れるものそしてやる事の全てが初めてだらけでドキドキ緊張もしたそうだが、持ち前の明るさで撮影を楽しむしおちゃん。「紫のベビードールが可愛くてセクシーで両方兼ね備えてて良い!!」と本人お気に入りの衣装を教えてくれたぞ。自然美しい沖縄で起こる様々なハプニング、その全てを楽しみ笑顔にするしおちゃんの天真爛漫な魅力が詰まった作品が完成した!! 【※この作品はイメージビデオです】※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。