[NACR-790] Tamed by Lustful Stepfather and Debauched Wife: Yui Tenma

絶倫義父に犯●れ続け、淫乱女に躾けられた若妻 天馬ゆい


Released date:2024-04-05 ID:h_237nacr00790 ID(DVD):NACR-790
Studio: Planet Plus Label: 七狗留 Director: 薄刃紫翠
A man named Yui Tenma visits his father-in-law's house due to some legal proceedings regarding its transferral. Despite feeling comfortable around her husband's kind and considerate father, she unexpectedly finds herself being watched during a sexual encounter between them. The next day, when they are alone together, the father insists that he can satisfy Yui better than her husband does and forces himself onto her. Initially resistant, Yui eventually succumbs to pleasure under the relentless advances of this virile older man... Note: Content may vary depending on the recording method used.
夫の父が家を譲りたいとのことで手続きの為に夫の実家へ行くことになった。優しくて気の利く義父にゆいも気を許していたが、夫とのセックスを目撃され、翌日二人っきりになると俺の方がゆいさんを満足させることができると義父に言い寄られ●される。抵抗していたゆいも絶倫義父に何度もイカされるうちに快感の虜に…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『プラネットプラス』はこちら!ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!