[HDKA-298] Housewife from Ota Ward, Tokyo - Age 41, Rikou Anana

はだかの主婦 大田区在住立岡杏菜(41)


Released date:2024-04-05 ID:h_237hdka00298 ID(DVD):HDKA-298
Actress(es): 立岡杏菜
Series: 裸の主婦
Studio: Planet Plus Label: 裸婦趣向 Director: ディレクターO
A mature woman named Reiko Anana, aged 41, lives with her husband and two sons in a cozy family home. She met her current partner through their shared love of travel; he happened to be the younger brother of one of her close friends. It was Reiko herself who initiated their first sexual encounter after they became intimate during a family vacation. Although she doesn't get many opportunities for intimacy with him nowadays due to his reserved nature, she still desires more physical connection with him... and wishes that he would take charge and pursue her more aggressively. As part of our investigation into these candid confessions from real housewives like Reiko Anana, we delve deeper into their secret desires! Note that some contents may vary depending on the distribution method used.
立岡杏菜41歳。夫と二人の息子と四人暮らし。友人の弟でもある夫とは、家族ぐるみの旅行がきっかけで出会い結ばれた。控えめな夫との初セックスは自分から誘った。今も夫からの夜の誘いは年に数回しかない…。もっとたくさん夫と交わりたいし、もっと強引に求めてきて欲しい…。取材班がそんな人妻の本音に迫っていく!※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『プラネットプラス』はこちら!ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!