[JUQ-646] After Graduation... A Gift from Your Stepmother - Yuna Shinna

卒業式の後に…大人になった君へ義母からの贈り物―。 椎名ゆな


Released date:2024-04-05 ID:juq00646 ID(DVD):JUQ-646
Studio: Madonna Label: Madonna Director: ひむろっく
After three fulfilling years at her new school following her father's remarriage, Yuna was finally ready to graduate. As she walked home with friends after the ceremony, they were greeted by none other than her stepmother, Yuna. Reunited after so long, the two shared laughter and joyous embraces, celebrating their graduation together... but things quickly took an unexpected turn when Yuna became too tipsy from all the excitement. Unable to control his feelings any longer, our protagonist finds himself drawn back to this woman he has always admired - even though she is now married. It's time for him to take another step towards adulthood. Note that recording contents may vary depending on distribution method.
父の再婚と同時に寮制の学校へ入って3年。実りある学生生活も終わりを告げ、卒業式を迎えたゆう。友人との帰り道、笑顔で道の向こうから駆け寄ってきたのは、義母・ゆなだった。久しぶりの再会に喜び合う2人は、卒業祝いをするのだが…。嬉しさのあまり飲み過ぎたゆなを介抱するゆう。憧れの女性だった彼女への想いを振り切ろうと家を出たのに、再び湧き上がる想いを抑えきれず…。そして彼はまた大人への階段を上るのであった―。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『Madonna』はこちら!