[IPZZ-259] Watercolor Noah - Caught in the Rain

出張先が記録的豪雨で童貞部下と突然相部屋に…雨で濡れた身体に興奮した部下に襲われ朝まで10発のびしょ濡れ絶倫性交 水色ノア


Released date:2024-04-05 ID:ipzz00259 ID(DVD):IPZZ-259
Actress(es): 水色ノア
Studio: Idea Pocket Label: ティッシュ
A female boss and her virgin subordinate find themselves stuck together at a business trip due to a record-breaking rainstorm. They have no choice but to share one room since all other rooms are booked. Boss Noah thinks that subordinate East won't be much trouble because he's not very manly and isn't used to being around women. However, when she teases him playfully, he suddenly attacks her... Their passionate SEX session is so erotic that they can't help but cum multiple times! This beautiful, kind, and forgiving boss seems to enjoy every moment of their intimate encounter. Keep in mind that the recording method may vary depending on the distribution method.
女上司と童貞部下が出張先で記録的豪雨に遭い宿泊を余儀なくされる。しかし空いていた部屋は一室。上司のノアは部下の東が男らしくないこと、女性慣れしていないことから問題ないと思い相部屋で宿泊するが、ふざけて東を誘惑したら急に襲ってきて…笑顔でなんでも許してくれる優しい最高の美人女上司とSEXの気持ち良さに勃起の止まらない絶倫部下の汗だくSEXがエロすぎる!※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『アイデアポケット』はこちら!