[SORA-524] Protective Sister Offers Herself as Sex Slave to Perverted Uncle to Save Little Sister Yura from Him

異常性欲者の叔父から小さい妹さらを守るために身代わりマ〇コを差し出すお姉ちゃん ゆら 日向ゆら


Released date:2024-04-13 ID:sora00524 ID(DVD):SORA-524
Actress(es): 日向ゆら
In this heart-wrenching story, Daya, a sister with a strong sense of justice and protectiveness towards her younger sibling, finds herself caught in a web of sexual desires and threats when their perverted uncle begins to lust after her little sister. As she tries to shield her innocent sibling from harm, Daya's own hidden carnal urges begin to surface, leading her down a dark path of self-discovery and exploration. The tension builds as Daya struggles between her loyalty to her sister and the growing need within herself for sexual satisfaction. She watches helplessly as her once pure and innocent sister transforms into a wanton woman, driven by her newfound desires. Unable to resist any longer, Daya succumbs to her own base instincts and embarks on a journey of self-indulgence that threatens to tear apart not only her relationship with her sister but also her very identity. As the story unfolds, we see how easily even the most virtuous among us can be seduced by our deepest, darkest desires. Will Daya find redemption or will she lose herself completely in the throes of passion? Find out in this gripping tale of love, loss, and forbidden fantasies.
「おじさん、お願い…私の妹をいじめないないでください…」妹思いで正義感がちょっぴり強い姉のゆら。そんな性格を知り逆手にとった悪い叔父さんは妹に手を出すと脅してきた…。姉が妹の盾となり必死に庇う。妹のために自ら体を捧げた姉のゆらであったが、やがて自身がもともと持っていた女性として性である独占欲に蝕まれていく。妹であり同性であるさらにいったいどんな魅力があるのだろう。なぜ、叔父はあんなにも必死になりふり構わず妹を欲するのだろう。私だって女なんだ。私が妹を守りたいけど、女として負けるのはもっと嫌だ。どうしようもなく激しく嫉妬する姉は…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『AV総合グループ【妄想族】デジタルメガストア』はこちら!