[AQSH-111] Housewife Maid Tragedy... Yuri Sasahara

人妻ハウスキーパー 濡れ衣の悲劇… 紗々原ゆり


Released date:2024-04-13 ID:aqsh00111 ID(DVD):AQSH-111
A housekeeper named Yuri, struggling to support her family after being laid off, finds herself accused of stealing money at one of her assignments. Despite lack of evidence, she is suspected by the homeowner, who decides to install cameras outside the house. Upon returning home and reviewing the footage, he discovers that Yuri had been masturbating during her shift. As punishment, he forces himself onto her, taking advantage of her desires while also attempting to clear his name. However, this leads to him becoming increasingly attracted to her beauty, ultimately resulting in him claiming her body as his own. Note: Content may vary depending on distribution method.
リストラされた夫のためにハウスキーパーの仕事で家計を支えるゆり。そんなゆりが派遣されたお宅でお金が紛失する事件が発生。証拠もなくゆりを疑う訳には行かず、家主はカメラを設置して外出。そして自宅へ戻り映像を確認するとオナニーに耽るゆりの姿が。それならばと欲求不満のゆりへシツケとばかりに生チ〇ポで制裁、窃盗の濡れ衣を晴らすことが出来ず、家主のイイナリにその身を捧げる羽目になってしまう。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『AV総合グループ【妄想族】デジタルメガストア』はこちら!