[REBD-834] Koiki Grace & Elegance - Love Beach Life

Koiki Grace and elegance・渚恋生


Released date:2024-04-18 ID:h_346rebd00834 ID(DVD):REBD-834
Actress(es): 渚恋生
Studio: REbecca Label: REbecca Director: ヘルペス☆タカ
In this captivating production, the alluring Koiki Grace takes center stage! Standing tall at 167 centimeters with her F-cup breasts, she commands attention like no other. Her stunning looks have made waves throughout the industry since her debut, quickly earning her a spot among Japan's top actresses. A classically trained ballerina since age three, her graceful movements are nothing short of mesmerizing. This nude image video marks her first venture into such territory, but her flawless posing showcases both her toned physique and innate sense of balance. Despite being completely comfortable on camera, there's no denying that Koiki Grace possesses immense potential – a fact that becomes evident through every seductive pose she strikes. From her elegant demeanor to her approachable charm, she exudes an unparalleled presence that leaves a lasting impression. Experience the raw beauty of Koiki Grace as she effortlessly commands the screen with her natural charisma and undeniable star power.
本作の主演は渚恋生ちゃん!!抜群のルックスに華やかなオーラを放つ、167センチの高身長Fカップ美巨乳美女だ!!日本中が震撼した衝撃の業界デビューを果たすやいなや、即トップ女優の仲間入りを果たす。特技のクラシックバレエは3歳の頃から20年続けており、身体のしなやかさとバランス感覚が凄い。ヌードイメージの作品としては本作が初となるが、体幹の良さと絶妙な身のこなしから生み出される優美なポージングは脱帽の素晴らしさ。リラックスして撮影できたと笑顔で語る恋生ちゃん、圧倒的ポテンシャルを秘めた才媛のその一端が垣間見える。優雅で気品がある比類なき存在感、気高くも親しみやすい恋生ちゃんの飾らない姿を味わい尽くせ!! 【※この作品はイメージビデオです】※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。