[REBD-835] Dreamy Shower Girl - Tachibana Shizuha

Shizuha Drops of a dream・瀧本雫葉


Released date:2024-04-18 ID:h_346rebd00835 ID(DVD):REBD-835
Actress(es): 瀧本雫葉
Studio: REbecca Label: REbecca Director: あおのゆうこ
In this captivating video, the stunning lead actress is none other than Shizuha! Her porcelain skin and breathtaking G-cup bust at 90 centimeters are perfectly complemented by her towering height of 166 centimeters. Known for her bright and energetic personality, she has a passion for gaming and has recently become obsessed with Spider Solitaire. As she works tirelessly to improve her skills, she makes her highly anticipated debut in the V industry. Despite being experienced in image shoots before, she approaches this project with unparalleled enthusiasm and dedication. Her ability to effortlessly capture the perfect pose for each scenario leaves even the staff in awe. One particularly memorable moment involves Shizuha balancing on a ball while striking a pose; both challenging and invigorating, yet leaving her with a satisfied smile. From her smooth and flawless complexion to her exceptional figure, every aspect of Shizuha exudes an ethereal beauty that soothes the soul like a cool drink on a hot day. This mesmerizing imagery video promises to be a dream come true for any viewer lucky enough to witness it.
本作の主演は瀧本雫葉ちゃん!!透き通るような白肌に90センチGカップバストが映える166センチの高身長快活美女だ!!ハキハキした明るい性格をしており、ゲームが好きで最近ではスパイダーソリティアにはまっており高みを目指して研鑽中の日々。過去の活動でイメージ撮影を経験してはいるものの、V業界デビューしてからは初のイメージ作品という事で並々ならぬ気合で臨んでくれた。シチュエーションごとに最適な撮られ方を直感で閃き表現するその姿にスタッフも感嘆のため息を漏らす。雫葉ちゃんの印象に残ったのはバランスボールでポーズを取るシーン、いかにもイメージ作品らしくて疲れたけど良い運動にもなったと笑顔を見せる。滑らかで澄んだ美肌と抜群のプロポーション、夢のような美しさの雫が滴り観る者の心を潤す清涼剤となる!! 【※この作品はイメージビデオです】※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。