[ABF-098] Rin's Farmhouse Sex

何もない田舎で幼馴染と、汗だく濃厚SEXするだけの毎日。 case.11


Released date:2024-04-26 ID:ABF-098 ID(DVD):ABF-098
Actress(es): 鈴の家りん
In the sweltering heat, university student 'Suzunoya Rin', a PRESTIGE exclusive performer, yearns for each other! After leaving his rural hometown and moving to Tokyo, he was struggling through college life without much excitement. Years later when he returned home, he reunited with his high school girlfriend 'Rin'. They had naturally drifted apart due to some minor issues during their relationship back then, making him feel slightly awkward around her now. However, seeing her sweaty and flushed body brought back memories that made his heart race. As she whispered, "Don't you think we're grown-ups now?" and leaned in for a passionate kiss, he lost all reason. Their bodies intertwined as they explored each other intimately, ignoring everything else around them. In this humid room, they indulged in intense SEX until they were both completely satisfied.
プレステージ専属女優『鈴の家 りん』と暑さの中で汗濡れ求め合う!田舎を出て上京してきたものの、ぱっとしない大学生活を送っていた僕。数年ぶりに田舎に帰ると、高校時代に交際していた『りん』と再会を果たす。当時、些細な出来事で自然消滅してしまったことから、少しぎこちなさを感じていた。暑さで汗濡れ艶めいたりんの素肌を見ると、当時の記憶が蘇り胸が高まる。「私たち、もう大人だよ?」と、りんが呟き、唇を近づけ熱い接吻を交わす。汗だくの身体を触り合い、たちまち大きくなった肉棒を涎まみれ口の中で丁寧に舐められると、理性が崩壊。暑く湿った部屋の中で、時間を忘れてただひたすら身体を求め合う。何もない田舎で『鈴の家 りん』と汗だくで交わり合う濃厚SEXをご堪能下さい。