[JUQ-697] Bullied Kid Wants NTR by Classmates, Including Yurine from Moon

母をイジメっ子の同級生にNTRれたいじめられっ子の僕 月野ゆりね


Released date:2024-04-19 ID:juq00697 ID(DVD):JUQ-697
Actress(es): 月野ゆりね
Studio: Madonna Label: Madonna Director: 河合穣治
A married woman named Yurine finds solace in her son during her husband's long business trip away. As she worries about his reclusive behavior, a friend named Saji introduces him to her life. Saji, coming from a fatherless household, has been craving maternal love and quickly becomes attached to Yurine. However, his twisted desires lead him to pursue her sexually, taking advantage of her kindness. Despite initially resisting, Yurine succumbs to his advances, experiencing pleasure she had forgotten since becoming a mother. As their encounters intensify, they explore various positions and acts, pushing each other's boundaries. Throughout these intimate moments, Yurine rediscovers the joys of sexual fulfillment while also grappling with guilt over betraying her husband. It is worth noting that the recording may vary depending on the distribution method used.
夫が長期出張で母子2人暮らしのゆりね。引きこもり気味の息子を心配する日々が続いていたが、ある日友人の左慈を連れてきた。父子家庭で母の愛情に飢えているという彼は、ゆりねになつき、彼女もそれを受け入れて…。だが母への歪んだ憧れから、性愛を望んだ左慈は、その優しさを利用して彼女に迫る。反り返るほど屹立した肉棒でサルのように激しく犯●れ続けたゆりね。久しく忘れてた悦びを思い出した母の子宮は、いつしか…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『Madonna』はこちら!