[HMN-543] My brother's wife is unsatisfied with her husband's sex life and has called me because she wants some action while he's away on business trip. She asks if we can meet secretly tonight until 9pm when her husband gets back from the station. We invite our friend who has a huge cock and have nonstop sex with him cumming inside her 17 times!

義姉(兄貴の嫁)から旦那とのセックスに満足できず欲求不満で頭がおかしくなりそうと電話があって、日帰り出張で不在の間にこっそり会うことに。 旦那を駅まで迎えに行かなきゃいけない夜9時まで、絶倫チ●ポの友人を集めてセックス漬け17発 めちゃくちゃ中出し… 前乃菜々


Released date:2024-04-19 ID:hmn00543 ID(DVD):HMN-543
Studio: Honnaka Label: 本中 Director: 伏見射漏
My brother-in-law was close to his wife and they communicated well, but one day he complained about not being satisfied with her and asked if we could meet when he went on a business trip. We decided to have a sex party at a hotel with my friend and my sister-in-law since she wanted to release all the built-up sexual tension. Although my brother-in-law felt awkward about it, he agreed because it was for his wife's sake (laugh). He kept cumming inside her until he reached her highest number of orgasms ever recorded, trying to satisfy her completely. Note that the recording contents may vary depending on the distribution method.
兄貴の嫁とは仲が良くて連絡もよく取り合う関係だったが、ある日、最近旦那(俺の兄貴)と満足できていないと愚痴をこぼされて―今度旦那が出張で不在の日に会えないかなと連絡が。普段溜まっている性欲を発散させる場が欲しいと、俺の友達も呼んで義姉とホテルでセックスパーティーすることに。兄貴には後ろめたさもあったが、兄貴の嫁さんのためなわけだし(笑)、満足するまで何度も何度も、義姉のこれまでのSEXの最高射精回数を目指してナマで射精してあげた1日。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『本中』はこちら!ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!