[FBOS-010] Stormy Night With My Trapped Boss And Me - Hibiki Otsuki

嵐の夜、会社に閉じ込められた女上司と二人きり 大槻ひびき


Released date:2024-04-20 ID:fbos00010 ID(DVD):FBOS-010
Hibiki Otsuki is a strict boss but she gets the job done. One day, while working late alone after her subordinate slacked off, the president showed up and they started having an affair. Unbeknownst to them, one of their coworkers had been secretly recording the whole thing. When that worker returned home unexpectedly early, he discovered the incriminating footage. The next day, the worker confronts Hibiki with the video evidence and threatens to expose her unless she complies with his demands. Despite appearing unfazed, Hibiki agrees to perform oral sex on him. However, another disgruntled employee decides to take matters into their own hands by ambushing Hibiki in the locker room later that evening. But once again, Hibiki handles the situation with ease...*Distribution methods may vary, resulting in different recorded contents.
仕事はできるが部下には厳しいひびき部長。ある日、仕事の遅い部下に変わって一人で残業していた。そこに専務がやってきて不倫セックスを始めた。偶然帰ってきた部下がそれを隠し撮りしていた。次の日、部下はひびき部長を呼び出し、隠し撮り動画を見せて脅した。ひびきは余裕を見せつつ部下をフェラ抜きする。それが気に入らない部下は、夕方にもロッカーでひびき部長を襲った。しかしそれも余裕で受け流すひびき部長だった…※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。